Shiekh Fawzi Battahi
Maulana Shiekh Fawzi al Battahi (Hujjat Ul Islam).
Resident Aalim of Al-Rasol Mosque & Islamic Center Lilburn, Georgia USA.
Born in Baghdad, Iraq
Chairman of Imam Institute (Atlanta) and Resident Alim of Al-Rasoul Center and Mosque
Representative of Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani and Ayatollah Mohammed Saed Al-Hakim in Atlanta
Bachelors Degree in Economics – Baghdad University
Masters Degree in Islamic Philosophy – Azadi University
Studied in the Hawza of Qom and Hawza of Sayeda Zainab
Dars Kharij
Taught different Subjects in Hawzat Ahlul-Bayt and Hawzat Wilayah in Sayeda Zainab
Started Hawza Classes in Atlanta, Georgia
Writer of book:
Philosophy of Akhlaq from Ahlul-Bayt (Arabic)
The Problems of Tabligh in America and their Solutions (Arabic)
Specialty in Islam: Using the Example of Imam Saddiq’s (AS) University (Arabic)
Researches in multiple subjects
Hussain Ali Nawab
Maulana Syed Hussain Ali Nawab (Hujjat Ul Islam).
Resident Aalim of Jaffari Center Scottdale, Georgia USA.
Born in Udaipur Rajasthan, India
- BUMS (Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Modern Medicine and Surgery) from Rajasthan University, Jaipur India. 1987.
- Studied Islamic Education in seminery (Hawzah-Elmya Qum) Iran, 1988 to 1995.
- Obtained the special degree in Tafseer and Kalaam under Ayatulah Jaffer Subhani.
- Special degree in teaching Quran, special course in teaching youth, while obtaining degree up to Dars-e-Kharij.
Writer of many books and courses including:
- 40 Hadees about Roza and Ramazan.
- Ahkaam Made Easy for youth (Hindi and English Language).
- Developed the course for fulltime school and Saturday/Sunday school, over 200 PowerPoint with the modern system of CPS (Class Performance System).
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Nafees Haider Taqvi
Maulana Syed Nafees Haider Taqvi (Hujjat Ul Islam).
Resident Aalim of Zainabia Islamic Center Atlanta, Georgia USA.
Born in Rajasthan, India.
Writer of book:
History of Kufa (Persian)
Masters in Islamic History from Hawzah-Elmya Qum Ul Muqadas Iran.
Studied Islamic Education in seminery (Hawzah-Elmya Qum Ul Muqadas) Iran, 1988 to 2009.
Dars-e-Kharij under Ayatullah Ul Uzma Sheikh Lutfullah Safi Gulpaygani.
Special course in family counseling, ethics and anti-drugs program.