Maulana Shiekh Fawzi al Battahi (Hujjat Ul Islam).
Resident Aalim of Al-Rasol Mosque & Islamic Center Lilburn, Georgia USA.
Born in Baghdad, Iraq
Chairman of Imam Institute (Atlanta) and Resident Alim of Al-Rasoul Center and Mosque
Representative of Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani and Ayatollah Mohammed Saed Al-Hakim in Atlanta
Bachelors Degree in Economics – Baghdad University
Masters Degree in Islamic Philosophy – Azadi University
Studied in the Hawza of Qom and Hawza of Sayeda Zainab
Dars Kharij
Taught different Subjects in Hawzat Ahlul-Bayt and Hawzat Wilayah in Sayeda Zainab
Started Hawza Classes in Atlanta, Georgia
Writer of book:
Philosophy of Akhlaq from Ahlul-Bayt (Arabic)
The Problems of Tabligh in America and their Solutions (Arabic)
Specialty in Islam: Using the Example of Imam Saddiq’s (AS) University (Arabic)
Researches in multiple subjects